African American Male Achievement (AAMA)
“Thanks to PJS, our collateral got the attention of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans. Now, we are seen as a national model for improving educational outcomes of African American males. We are change leaders who stand up for young people, and PJS gets it. They bring their expertise to the table and serve as a critical thought partners. Listening carefully, they coach appropriately and develop campaigns that move our audiences to action.”
— C. Chatmon, Office of African American Male Achievement

As a newly-formed organization within Oakland Unified School District, the Office of African American Male Achievement (AAMA) needed a strategy that would position them as a national authority on Black Male Achievement and thus increase their ability to invoke changes on a local level within the Oakland Unified School District.

We took AAMA from a local to national brand with regular trade and national press. By increasing awareness and recognition, we help AAMA attract new funding and position the office as a model for actualizing the White House My Brother's Keeper Initiative.