Dream Keeper Communications Workshop Series

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Dream Keeper Communications Workshop Series: Unlocking Brand and Behavior

PLAY: Unlocking Brand and Behavior with Mashama Thompson

PLAY is a unique learning experience designed to immerse you in creative experimentation and human-centered behavioral thinking. We focus on updating perceptions, kinetic connected group learning and large ideological framework shifts to put you in position to better understand branding and human behavior. Attending students include entrepreneurs, creatives, impact leaders, and innovators.

The world is changing at an unprecedented rate. The context in which culture sits is shifting faster than ever before and ideas travel around the world in fractions of seconds. We uncover the thinking and behavioral principles that power successful brands. We create tailored learning experiences that give you new perspectives on human perception and behavior to unlock the power of connection and tribes.

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Workshop Presenter

Mashama Thompson, Co-Founder & Creative Director @ 510media Brand Studio.

Over the past fifteen years, operating as the chief brand strategist, Mashama has led creative and strategic teams in both the physical and digital space across many industries. His work is driven by a simple thesis: communicate a client’s message through the creation of beautifully simple, human-centric design.